

Concourse Office/Retail Campus 01.01.2025

Concourse blends office / retail / entertainment into a seemless flow of space in one place. Why travel from the office for lunch or mid-day shopping. OLAS brings it all together under one environment.
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My Life Studios

Network Production Studio 02.01.2024

The independent production studio for all "My Life" episodes filmed in that metro area. Each location handles the pre and post production of all local show content. My Life - 8 billion people, 8 billion stories.
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Social Club & Cafe' 03.01.2024

A new social club designed to enhance the overall dating experience. Minglr is a social dating platform that owns it' own meeting places. Connect online, then share a safe and comfortable place to meet.
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Production Studio Campus 04.01.2024

A new type of content creation place. Stages is a stand alone production facility open to the entertainment industry. Creators are given the oppurtunity to take project concepts from scene to stream!
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The General Office

Individual Office Environments 05.01.2024

Your office environment when you need it, where you need it. Built for the dis-connected worker and the new decentralized workforce. Work here, there, everywhere with The General Office network.
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Network Charging Stations 06.01.2024

Kilowatts Energy provides a network of autonomous charging staions across the United States. Kilowatts provides a convenient and comfortable charging option for the daily or distant commute.
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{D} Centralized

Decentralized Datacenters 07.01.2024

Decentralized autonomous organization designed to build and manage datacenters. {D}Centralized is a proprietary network built on the .Os computer architecture. Smaller, leaner with over 4,000 nodes.
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Real i ty Realty

Real Estate Services 08.01.2024

A new way to purchase, and sell commercial real estate. Imagine discovering, touring and buying commercial property online. All aspects of the transaction are fully {automated} from start to finish.
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Car Automated Ride Share 09.01.2024

When you only drive a few hours a week or per day. Why pay for expensive vehicle operations and maintaince. Drive what you want, when you want, then return it or trade for something else.
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Integrated Wellness

Integrated Wellness Centers 10.01.2024

Join the new method of acheiving emotional, mental and physical well-being. With one point of contact for all your health care. Integrated Health & Wellness provides you with your complete picture.
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Cityscapes OmniVerse

A Metaverse Environment 11.01.2024

The metaverse is the new age of engagement of virtual worlds. Either as a single person or multiple party interactions. Create the world as you want it to be.
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Audio Technology 12.01.2025

Waves is an audio research and technology facility. When it comes to superior sound delivery and quality. Waves is there to deliver every rich note.
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